
Responsibilities of Suppliers After Their Tender Declared Un Successful

Preparing for the debriefing meeting

Prepare carefully for the debriefing by reviewing you tender against the scope of work, the evaluation criteria stated in the tender documentation and the winning price.

Take notes during the debriefing and seek immediate clarification on matters you do not fully understand. If the department agrees to get back you on any matter arising during the debriefing then ask for a contact name and telephone number and date which by the information will be provided, this will enable you a follow up, if the response date has passed.

Checklist of Questions

Have a list of questions you wish answered. These should cover areas such as:






Industrial Relations


Quality Management

Organizational administration and controls


Contract terms


After-Sales Service

Suppliers have a right to:

Equal opportunity to obtain government business.

Fair and professional assessments of their tenders.

Consistent application of supply policies by government departments.

A tender process that minimizes the cost of tendering for government business.

Tenders and quotations documentation that is simple and easy to follow.

Access to trained, knowledgeable and experienced government purchasing staff.

Prompt and courteous treatment.

Have complaint investigated with prejudice.

Be provided upon request with reasons for their offers being unsuccessful.

Immediate advice of problems with the performance of products or services supplied.

Suppliers have a responsibility to:

Offer their most competitive prices first time.

Not offer inducements that could be seen to compromise the impartiality of government offers.

Attempt to resolve problems direct with the agency concerned before seeking third party intervention.

Not waste time with false complaints.

Supply quality goods and services.

Not seek to avoid existing government contracts.

Meet the government’s quality assurance requirements.

There are many on line tender information providing websites.You can also visit these sites for latest tender news and articles. So you can plan your response to tender invitation today and get lots of business possibilities in government sector.